
Products | Professional | Carrot


Daucus carota
Variety Type Maturity Relative Maturity, Direct Seeded from sowing (Days) Root Use General remarks
colour flesh / skin length (cm) shape fresh market storaging processing
Nantes clodia 2 (CT00002) Nantes mid-early 80/90 rich orange 15/16 cylindrical ++ + + standard variety
Chantenay Red Cored 2 (CT00022) Chantenay mid-late 100/120 fine orange 12/14 Conical ++ + ++ Suitable also for juice production and, if harvest young, for baby veg. (canning).
Berlicum 2 (CT00011) Berlikum mid-late 100/120 excellent orange 20/22 cylindrical ++ ++ ++ suitable for both - fresh market and industry
Flakkée 2 (CT00012) Flakkee late 120+ deep orange 22/24 Conical + ++ + Conical shape which does well in heavy soil. Excellent taste. Very crisp & tender. A very good all around carrot.
Kuroda (CT00025) Kuroda (Japanese type) early 80 deep orange red color 12/14 Conical ++ - + Ideal for summer sowing with harvesting through autumn and winter. It does well even in poor soils.
Parijse Markt 3 (CT00028) Parisian very early 70/80 bright orange 3/4 Spherical shape ++ - - Very sweet